Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Waiting for Flight Time

Well as we wait for our 10 o'clock flight I think it is time to fill everyone in on the last four days.

Saturday we went to Santa Montica with Rachael and Allen. We walked around on the promenade and then walked down to the pier. After the pier we made it down to the water and got our feet wet and went for a nice beach walk. On the walk back we spotted a pod of wales out in the water splashing and swimming around. After about 5 minutes of them hanging out a motor boat scared them off. We walked back through the promenade we watched some street dancers. At the beginning of the show they collected money from the watchers and said that if they didn't make enough they wouldn't do the full show. After a few mins of goofing off they were done so I guess they didn't get enough. Next we went for my first Thai food experience. It was amazing my favorite was the Pad Thai it had an amazing texture and taste. After dinner we headed home to crash.

Sunday morning we got up for a rock climbing experience. We went to the Arc gym that is mostly bordering but Tiff let me do some actual on rope climbing. After rock climbing we were too late to go to the botanical garden and horse back riding so Drew took me on a long awaited date in old town. We went to a cool little hole in the wall pizza place and then went to a fancy theater for a viewing of The Hobbit. The theater was really cool, we picked out our seats when we payed and when we got in they were so comfy and the arm rests went up so that I could sit more comfortably.

Monday morning I got to give Allen a ride to work then promptly fell back to sleep. After a little morning cat nap we headed out to Hollywood. It was a quick drive surprisingly enough and the traffic wasn't too bad. We drove around looking at some of the sites then parked an walked around. We went to a look out and got some pictures with the Hollywood sign. Then we went to a pizza place and had fantastic artichoke and spinach pizza. We went and saw the Chinese Theater and saw all of the hand prints of the stars. After Hollywood we headed out for my first Whole Foods experience to grab dinner for the house. This Whole Foods was amazing, first you enter a parking garage that is at least 3 levels under ground and take an elevator up to the ground floor of the store that is actually two floors high. The coolest part was the escalators between floors had awesome cart escalators right next to them. Next we went to pick up Allen from work and start on dinner. Drew made his famous mediterranean pasta enough for 8. It was amazing and it was so amazing to have everyone together again for our last night just like we did for the first night.

Tuesday (today) was a pretty quiet day spent with laundry and Netflix. It was nice and relaxed since the washer took so long to do anything. We were going to take a hike but it just didn't end up happening. We made it a little bit after 4:30 to pick up Allen from work and head out for the airport and dinner. We had some Panera right outside of the air port and Allen dropped us off at the terminal. Checking in luggage took a little while due to the line but it was smooth sailing from there. In line we saw a few girls with two large checked bags and I started to wonder if we under packed a lot but now that we are with other students going in our program we feel more comfortable knowing that everyone else only had one large checked bag. Now it is 8:02 and we are sitting around talking to other students, we board at 9:15. I am going to see about walking around before 13 hours of sitting. My next post will be in New Zealand!


  1. I'm enjoying ur blog. Hope ur having fun!

  2. "See you next time, in fabulous New Zealand!"

    Still waiting on that. ;P
