Friday, February 15, 2013

2 Nights in Queenstown!

Ok so I left off on Sunday so before I get into the good stuff of the last few days let me real quick. My fourth roommate Fonta moved in. She is a nice American so that brings our flat to 3 Americans and one Kiwi. The flat went out to the near by botanic garden to see the out door aviary and have dinner but it started to rain so we picked up some movies and ate dinner at home. We also went to the Otago Museum and visited their butterfly exhibit where you walk into this room filled with butterflies and just get to walk around while they fly around you and sometimes land on you. Finally I applied to the local SPCA to see if I can get a volunteer position with the dogs while I am here.

I left for Queenstown on Thursday with 5 others. We had Drews Kiwi host Maeve, one Canadian Johnny, and four Americans Sarah, Michelle, Drew, and I. We left for the 3 hour long drive at around 2:30 and when we got to the backpacker, called The Base, we met up with two other people in our group who chose to take the bus in who were two more Canadians named Landon and PK. The eight of us were supposed to get an eight person room together for the two nights but there was a problem with our reservation and Drew and I offered to stay in the room next door with six strangers. That night was Valentines day so Drew took me out for dinner at Wai. It was one of the nicest restaurants I have ever been to. I hade the oven rosted hake and he got the local market fish. The food was so fantastic! From what the menu said and what we understood of it all we knew we were getting was some type of fish and when our plates arrived I was blown away by how pretty they looked. I didn't want to ruin it by digging in but I was so hungry. The food was amazing, it had so much taste, I can't really describe it but it was amazing. We had strawberry and mascarpone roulade for desert which was also indescribably good. After dinner we went for a small walk around the lake but didn't make it too far since we were so tired.

Friday was a crazy long day we got up in the morning for bungy jumping. No I did not jump sorry to disappoint but I have no desire. But Drew, Michelle, Johnny, and Sarah did. It was pretty scary for my to watch as my boyfriend jumps off a bridge with just a giant cable attached to his ankles but he survived. Unfortunately my camera for what ever reason didn't record it but I have some pics of him getting ready and the bridge he jumped off of. He jumped off of the worlds first bungy jump called Kawarau Bridge. After that we headed back to Queenstwon to eat lunch and head out for our next adventure which was called River Surfing. River Surfing is when you suit up in a wetsuit, flippers, life vest, and helmet with a boogie board and ride white water rapids  It was pretty amazing and intense as we went over rapids that were at times over our heads some moments then others it was so calm that you could lay on your back and just enjoy the scenery.  We got to float by one of the sets from Lord of the Rings and even under the bridge that part of our group had jumped off a few hours earlier. It was so awesome but exhausting since we  had to kick most of the time to keep up and stay in the center of the river and hold ourselves on the boards when we went through the rapids. It was about two hours in the water and afterward we headed back to the Base to shower and head out for dinner. We had amazing burgers called Fergburger and got amazing burgers about the size of small plates! I got a Fergburger with blu cheese and couldn't even finish it. After dinner we headed out for ice cream and walked a little farther around the lake as a group. We hung out on some of the rocks and talked before heading back to Base to crash. Luckily one of the people moved out of the big group room so Drew and I were able to spend the night with the group and sleep soundly.

Saturday (today) we woke up and packed up for heading out to go back to Dunedin. On the drive back we stopped at a small gold panning village and walked around for a few minutes and got some nice pictures. When we got back to the flats Drew showed us the amazing GOPRO video from bungy jumping and I headed back to my flat for a shower and laundry. Now every one is caught up again! I am going to upload some photos on facebook so keep an eye out! I hope you all are enjoying my blog! Bye for now with love from NEW ZEALAND!!!!


  1. What a wonderful Blog. Dad and I really enjoyed reading this over lunch and coffee. The pictures you posted on Facebook are awesome. Drew, I don't believe you really bungy jumped. Dad says it must have been a thrill to jump from so high up. Great to see you are enjoying yourselves.

  2. Great post Donna. Thanks for keeping us updated. It sounds like it was a fantastic week and weekend.

  3. Everything sounds wonderful, what a great time you are having. Thank you for sharing your adventure we really enjoy reading all about it. Love, Padre and Jen
